
We work with you to meet your specific coaching needs in a healthy, supportive environment.

We provide a safe, supportive environment that allows you to take an honest look at your life and career, gain awareness, set stretch goals, address limitations in order to embrace transformational growth and reach your full potential.

Coaching can assist you, your team or organization to:

  • Define your mission, goals, and objectives
  • Improve or obtain desired skills
  • Develop self-awareness and self-confidence
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Increase performance
  • Transition successfully
  • Take positive action forward
  • Experience transformational growth in life and career
  • Help you become who you are meant to be.

Face-to-face, phone, and/or video conference sessions are available.

Are You Preparing for a Transition?

Coaching can be beneficial at any stage of a transition, but the ideal time to begin is before or early stages of a transition. Coaching can help you successfully manage many types of professional or personal transitions, such as:


  • Promotion
  • Job loss
  • Career change
  • Planning for retirement
  • Returning to work


  • Having a child
  • A death in the family
  • Divorce
  • Infertility

Working with a coach can help you:

  1. Create or refine your goal(s) for the transition
  2. Identify emotions and obstacles that may occur during the transition
  3. Develop an action plan for successfully managing the transition
  4. Stay on-track as you work through the transition
  5. Reflect on your successful transition and set new goals

Are You Feeling Stuck, Overwhelmed, or a Little “Off”   

Sometimes you may feel stuck in your personal life or career; or perhaps overwhelmed with responsibilities at home or professionally. Sometimes, you may feel as if something is just a little…off. Instead of living with these feelings and hoping they resolve themselves, take them as a cue that something needs to be examined and possibly change.

When these feelings arise, many turn to self-help books, podcasts, and online courses, and while these methods can help, they often take a lot longer to produce results, and you may not get to the real heart of the problem. Working with a coach can give you an “outside-in” perspective and can result in a meaningful action plan in as little as three sessions.

Coaching can help you identify a plan to increase your satisfaction and put you on a path to greater purpose in your career and/or personal life. For example, we’ve worked with coaching clients to:

  • Find and embrace a natural, authentic leadership style
  • Balance/integrate family and work
  • Manage workload and responsibility by leveraging and empowering others
  • Integrate values into work or personal life
  • Embrace and make the most of the new responsibility that comes with a promotion
  • Understand communication styles and communicate effectively, especially across generational divides
  • Have difficult conversations in an effective way
  • Effectively set priorities and manage an overwhelming work schedule
  • Manage conflicts at home or at work



Are You Seeking Growth or Change?  

Whether you want to change, but perhaps you’re just not quite sure what you’re looking for – or you have a clear goal but you’re not sure how to get there, we can help. Using a variety of tools and assessments, we’ll work with you to determine your strengths and where your interest lies – and then develop a plan for advancing those.

Sometimes people think, “I could never do that!” but the truth is they haven’t allowed themselves to dream. The first step is to imagine it. Working together, we’ll encourage you to consider what’s really possible, whether that’s in your professional life, or perhaps bringing your skills to bear in a new way, or to find ways to have a greater impact in various areas of your life.

Coaching FAQs

Have additional questions, or want to find out if coaching is right for you? Call 847.886.9194 or email to schedule an initial consultation.