About Us

Founder and Managing Partner

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Transformation is real – I do dare to Become all that I am created to be, and pray for wisdom to guide those I am privileged to help to become who they are intended to be.

Angela Scaperlanda Bujan, MA,  is a bilingual certified spiritual director, supervisor, coach, facilitator, retreat leader, speaker, writer, editor and organizational consultant.  As founder of HELP Professional Services LLC, Angela sought to establish a unique organization centered around helping individuals, groups, and organizations become who they are meant to be.  She is passionate about transformative growth through what she calls “connective help”.  Her unique background in intercultural communication, business and spirituality have allowed her the opportunity to work with individuals and organizations across countries, sectors, and levels. She brings her professional skills, fluency in Spanish, intercultural expertise, solid spiritual base, and relevant life experiences to the table.  She completed her training in spiritual direction at the Siena Center in Racine, WI and obtained her master’s degree in Intercultural Administration at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont.  Angela spent seven years living and working internationally and over 25 years working with local, national and international clients.  This background allows her to listen for, observe, and understand the diverse needs of individuals, groups, communities, and not-for-profit, national, international, corporate, and governmental organizations.  Each presentation, retreat, and session, is tailored to meet the current needs of the people with whom she has the privilege to work.

Angela actively seeks and works toward establishing an integrative life that allows her to invest a substantial portion of her time and talent building her family as well as building HELP Professional Services.  She is constantly amazed at the lessons she learns as a wife and mother of four, that she can apply to her work and those from work that benefit her family.